Well I do seem to have rather embarassingly hit yet another sweet spot before I head home at the beginning of April. An artist in residence at a Marine Research Station on the remote atoll of Glovers Reef, way off the coast of Belize....you really couldn't make it up....Don't quite know how I blagged this one, met the station manager Alex while I was at Pooks Hill, and one way or another he's invited me out to create a couple of artworks for an interpretation centre their are building on the island.....so here I am, on a two week jaunt and more cut and paste photoshopping to do....still got a fair bit of work to do mind, though I do have to say being able to take a break from your computer and swim out off the dock instead of making a cup of coffee cannot really be beat....

Middle Caye looking south Photo Credit: Astrum Helicopters 

the station itself....

view from the office

the dock

first foot on the island
'View from the office': brilliant picture! Posted by Art