dawn view from my dorm

Finally tiding this blog up before linking it to my website. I had an amazing time over the three months and am plotting to go back out at some point to try and sell my more commercial pictures as prints and postcards....who knows. What I'm pretty certain of is that I have accumulated enough material to have at least a couple of different exhibitions back in the UK in the next few months, watch this space.... well this one anyway!
Geoff Allan Collage Artist
Local Colour (2009) photo-collage on canvas
Completely forgot to add this other little picture I put together before the exhibition was organised. Its composed of the bright exterior house paint colours which are in evidence throughout Belize. People are certainly not shy of striking colour combinations as evidenced below....

Geoff Allan Collage Artist

Completely forgot to add this other little picture I put together before the exhibition was organised. Its composed of the bright exterior house paint colours which are in evidence throughout Belize. People are certainly not shy of striking colour combinations as evidenced below....